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I feel like a chump to have to ask you this, but this is my sad, sad story:
My touring gear was lost on the plane trip from Denver, to Paris France. Merde. I've had to re-purchase my panniers, tools, clothing, a lot of my bicycle accessories and all my camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, mat). Because of this, I've completely blown my budget for the trip. And, I'd like to eat for the next two months. If you enjoy people that just get on an airplane and go roving about without a map or a itinerary and like what I'm writing about, well, I could really use your help. Can you spare a couple of bucks and help make sure I make it home OK? Here's a PayPal link:
It's for $5. If you'd like to set your own donation, you may do so by sending fund to: personalpaypal@skazat.com. I will love you forever. Or at least the next pain chocolat you allow me to purchase for petit dejeuner. But seriously. Thanks a ton if you can help this silly traveler out.
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