Os autocaravanistas não são necessariamente, nem sempre, campistas.
Os autocaravanistas são automobilistas e turistas especiais, semoventes e itinerantes, que dispõe não somente de veiculo, mas tambem de alojamento próprio, em simultaneo.
Aqui ficam as informações e detalhes do cartão do CCI, que também não é obrigatorio em geral, mas que constitui um cartão e credencial de conforto, acompanhada por um seguro de alguma utilidade para quem, com mais frequência sendo autocaravanista, não dispensa a utilizaçao de parques de campismo no Pais ou o estrangeiro, e até procura alguns descontos...
Em Portugal contactar o ACP
Carta Internacional: Para obter, exclusivamente, a carta Internacional de Campista, deverá dirigir-se a uma Delegação ACP ou contactar 21 318 01 28 ou campismo@acp.pt que a mesma lhe será enviada para a residência. O pagamento neste caso poderá ser feito por transferência bancária ou envio de cheque. Custa 19,50€ a inicial e 17,50€ a revalidaçao.
Fonte Internacional:
The CCI is only valid if
the date stated on the card (expiry date) has not been exceeded
the holder of the CCI is a member of a club affiliated with the AIT, FIA or FICC
the CCI has been signed
As the holder of a CCI you are expected to
respect the rules for using the grounds at a campsite
request prior permission to stay on grounds that are not officially registered as a campsite
request permission for making a campfire
not d

help to maintain good hygienic conditions at the campsite
respect the privacy of others and observe the quiet times
adhere to the camping regulations of the campsite
You can use the CCI as substitute proof of identity when registering upon arrival at a campsite. This prevents you from having to hand in your passport proof of third-party liability during your stay at a campsite, in a rented accommodation or at a hotel proof that your are entitled to the discounts described .
Proof of identity. The CCI is accepted as proof of identity at almost all campsites. Campsite owners, however, are not required to accept the card as such.
Third-party liability insurance
The conditions for third-party liability insurance are discussed under third-party liability insurance. You must send a written report of any damage to your club within one month after your return home. You should include as many details as possible, preferably with testimony from a witness. Never give a statement of guilt without previous written permission from your club.
Third-party liability insurance
The CCI entitles the cardholder to discounts given on the website. If you would like to be eligible, you must state this in advance. Discounts are given only for a stay of a maximum of 21 consecutive days. Discounts do not apply to a season or annual pitch. No discounts will be given after the fact.Discounts can usually not be given in combination with other discounts.The discounts listed are valid throughout 2008 unless otherwise specified.By high season is usually meant July/August and weekends with a special holiday (Easter, Ascension). This rule may differ per country and campsite. Always inquire beforehand. Discounts are given only at the campsite by the campsite owner. If a discount or special offer that is mentioned on this page is not given at the campsite, report this to your club upon your return home. You will need to hand in the original bill and a copy of the CCI. Always save these documents. Your club will then take the matter up with the campsite in question. The discounts listed here have been selected with care. If a discount on this website has been changed because of circumstances beyond your club’s control, your club cannot be held liable. You club can also not be held bound to obvious errors. In addition to the discounts listed on this website, other discounts may be given. Some campsite owners give the holders of a CCI a discount that can very per period and in amount.
Loss of the card
Keep you CCI in a safe place. Loss or theft of the card can cause damage. Should you lose the card, please report this to your club immediately. Your club is always willing to answer any questions you might have about the Camping Card International.
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