aqui vão as fotos dos ditos...
Quem é, e anda torto, terá assim uma oportunidade de poder ler direito o que se vai aqui escrevendo objectivamente a favor do efectivo Desenvolvimento do Autocaravanismo itinerante, ou seja do turismo de touring com autocaravana.

um inclinómetro é um instrumento como os das fotos, e serve...para corrigir desniveis, em camas de hospitais...e informar em aviões e barcos da inclinação, e até em autocaravanas, segundo o fabricante, porém, nada que um olhómetro português, ou uma régua nível, e uns calços, ou mesmo uns macacos não resolvam...
nem que seja para ler este livro, por ex. à venda na Livraria Bulhosa do CC de Csacis Vila.....
For tilt applications where a visual indication or measurement is required, Fredericks inclinometers are ideal. An inclinometer is comprised of a glass tube, bent to a specific radius, which determines its angular range. A ball is inserted in the tube, then the tube is filled with a clear, wide-temperature-range fluid and hermetically sealed. Decals and paint are applied based on the individual customer’s requirements.
Inclinometers are assembled under the most exacting standards using fixtures, processes, and tooling developed by our engineers. This allows us to offer a product that will provide years of consistent performance and reliability no matter what the application.
Typical applications include aircraft instrumentation, hospital bed-angle gauges, recreational vehicle tilt warning, and inclination indicators for sailing vessels. When your application demands a rugged, reliable visual tilt indication, Fredericks inclinometers provide a practical, accurate, and economical solution.
Typical applications include aircraft instrumentation, hospital bed-angle gauges, recreational vehicle tilt warning, and inclination indicators for sailing vessels. When your application demands a rugged, reliable visual tilt indication, Fredericks inclinometers provide a practical, accurate, and economical solution.
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