Areas para Autocaravanas:
estacionamentos para autocaravanas
estações de serviço para autocaravanas
areas de acolhimento para autocaravanas
Motorhome Resting Stations In Germany
there are many different types of overnight parking facilities for Motorhomes but the ones of particular importance to motorcaravanners are the places where you can fill your water tanks, empty your rubbish, dump your grey water and empty your toilet, these are known as 'Entsorgungs-Station' or "Wohnmobil Stellplatz". In practice if you see a sign similar to the one shown here, you've found it!

Alternatively a comprehensive guide to "Wohnmobil Stellplätze" (in German) is published anually by the German Motoring Association (ADAC) and can easilly be purchased on the internet through http://www.amazon.de/ , just search for "ADAC Stellplatz-Führer Deutschland 2009" or "ADAC Stellplatz".
A translation on how to buy a book on amazon.de is available at http://www.amazon.co.uk/
A small list of Motorhome Resting Stations can be found at:
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